Send The BeeMail Now

Address Workplace Harassment Now!

Your $25 contribution helps move our mission forward faster.

To send The BeeMail

  • Complete the Sender Form: email address The BeeMail will be sent to, and the date and time The BeeMail will be sent
  • Make a $25 donation to The Wolf and The Bee
  • A donation reciept will be sent to your email
  • Sender Support Access will be sent to your email
  1. Select $25 donation to SEND THE BEEMAIL and CONTINUE
  2. Provide information on the recipient of The BeeMail:
    • The BeeMail Recipient Email Address
    • Verify the email address
    • The date/time and time zone The BeeMail will be sent
    • The default is Friday at 4 PM ET to provide a weekend time buffer.
  3. Complete the donation process
  4. A donation receipt will be sent to your email
  5. Once your form is submitted, you will receive two emails from The Wolf and The Bee:
    • A confirmation email confirming the information you submitted. Save this email in your documentation file.
    • An email with next steps, tools and information you can use to address harassment going forward.
  6. The BeeMail will be sent to the recipient on the designated day at the designated time.
    • A delivery confirmation email will be sent to you once that has been sent. Save this email in your documentation file.
  7. Follow-up:
    • Three weeks following The BeeMail being sent, you will receive a feedback survey. (We are always working to improve our solutions).