The BeeMail

Addressing Workplace Harassment Now

Harassment and discrimination in the workplace remain pervasive issues.

In spite of increased awareness, many people experiencing harassment prefer to stay silent. They do not feel comfortable reporting incidents to HR for a number of reasons, including a fear of retaliation by the company. Some fears are not unfounded.

Additionally, confronting a bully or harasser directly is a daunting prospect. Many people do not have the skills to effectively confront a harasser without assistance or guidance.

As problems fester and grow, they take a toll on employees, teams and companies. Reluctance to report and discomfort with direct confrontation leaves victims in the difficult position of prolonging the cycle of harassment.

Now you can send The BeeMail to start the process of resolving your workplace harassment issue.

Women have experienced sexual harassment in their lifetime
Do not report harassment to HR
1 in
Women leave their job due to harassment
Average cost of lost productivity, per person, due to harassment

The BeeMail is designed to provide individuals with a less risky means of addressing harassment directly, early on, while the problem remains manageable.

What is The BeeMail

The Wolf and The Bee acts as your “representative” and sends a diplomatic and discreet email (The “BeeMail”) directly to your colleague without mentioning your name. You can read the exact letter HERE.

The Wolf and The Bee does not investigate claims. The intention of sending The BeeMail is to facilitate change in the interaction between both parties. By providing a warning, and not an accusation, The BeeMail process gives space to both parties to seek a resolution. And the process provides links to coaching resources for both The BeeMail sender and The BeeMail recipient.

The BeeMail is sent only to the recipient specified. It is not sent to anyone else. A delivery confirmation is sent to the sender, and may be used as supporting documentation if the sender must escalate the complaint.

The BeeMail Difference

 The BeeMail facilitates communication and education to overcome common workplace mistakes. Sending The BeeMail creates an opportunity to resolve the issue and move forward.

  • Sending The BeeMail offers an opportunity for you to speak up for yourself and others
  • Sending The BeeMail starts the process by bringing both parties to the table, and gently guiding them toward a resolution
  • Sending The BeeMail empowers individuals being harassed with a way to communicate boundary issues that need to be addressed
  • Sending The BeeMail provides both parties with coaching resources, including  workbooks to enhance problem-solving and communication skills
  • The BeeMail creates a paper trail for the sender, which may be used as supporting documentation if they need to escalate the issue
  • The BeeMail offers both parties options  for resolution before small problems  become bigger issues

While no option is risk free, sending The BeeMail may disrupt the current dynamic and start the process toward greater confidence and better communication between both parties.